How to choose the right vehicle diagnostic tools

Vehicle diagnostic tools are beneficial in more than one way when it comes to automotive diagnostics in car repair shops and garages. Firstly, they can quickly help buyers detect any kind of fault a car may have, which may take much more time with traditional inspection methods. Secondly, these tools can work on different makes of cars.

Types of vehicle diagnostic tools
1.Porsche Diagnostic Tools
Porsche Piwis 3 Diagnostic Tool Piwis III V42.000.011 + V38.250.000 Software with Lenovo Yoga12 I5 8G 5300U Laptop
Piwis 3 is the third generation of a diagnostic tool developed by Porsche for use in their workshops. It is a specialized piece of equipment that allows Porsche technicians and mechanics to diagnose and troubleshoot issues in Porsche vehicles. The Piwis 3 is an advanced diagnostic system that can cover cars of all years, including the new 2021 Taycan. It provides a range of functions including diagnostics, guided fault finding, actual values/input signals functions, drive links/tests function, maintenance/repairs function group, coding/programming function group, logging, filter, and wiring diagrams application. Overall, the Piwis 3 is a critical tool for any serious Porsche workshop looking to provide high-quality service and repairs to their customers.

Piwis Tester II ​Piwis 2 ​V18.150 Porsche Diagnsotic Tool with CF19 Laptop for Porsche
Piwis Tester II for Porsche V18.150 with CF19 Laptop is the latest professional tester for Porsche,the most poweful diagnose and offline programming tool for Porsche,with latest tester for Porsche,powerful functions,full access .

  • Piwis Tester II ​Piwis 2 ​V18.150 Porsche Diagnsotic Tool with CF19 Laptop for Porsche

2.Heavy Duty Diagnostic Tool
New Holland Electronic Service Tools (CNH EST 9.8 9.7 8.6 Engineering Level) CNH Kit Diagnostic Tool :The software is 9.7 9.6 engineering level,CNH EST8.6 software is dealer level has more functions than dealer level and CNH 9.4 9.2 is with diagnostic procedure.

Best Quality CAT Caterpillar ET 2023A/2019C Diagnostic Adapter III Cat Communication Adapter 3:2023A Caterpillar Electronic Technician softwarer With CAT ET 3 Cat caterpillar adapter 3 support caterpillar diagnostic till 2023.CAT Caterpillar ET Diagnostic Tool from Caterpillar provide the capability to access Electronic Control Modules (ECMs) from a personal computer. Many job-critical tasks can be performed with an electronic service tool. The user can display the status of a group of parameters (temperatures, pressures, etc.) simultaneously, view active and clear logged diagnostics, display the current configuration of an ECM and much more. The service tool works with a communication adapter to allow connection to an ECM. A graphical interface makes this software quick to learn and easy to use.

JPRO Professional Truck Diagnostic Scan Tool 2023 V1.2: Commercial Vehicle Diagnostic Scanner Plus Lenovo T420 Laptop
JPRO Professional truck scanner is the most comprehensive and powerful all makes, all models diagnostic tool available in the industry today. In one, easy annual subscription, JPRO provides a complete & unparalleled diagnostic service & repair solution with bi-directional functionality.Noergon’s DLA+ 2.0 adapter is a diagnostic communication device designed to interface between a vehicle and PC via USB cable for diagnostic and vehicle information, re-programming or parameter adjustments.

John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Electronic Data Link Diagnostic Tool Plus lenovo T450 laptop With V5.3 AG+ CF Software :
John Deere Service Advisor Agriculture workshop service manual, repair manual, electrical wiring diagram, hydraulic diagram, diagnostic, assembly and disassembly engine, transmission.

  • John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Electronic Data Link Diagnostic Tool Plus lenovo T450 laptop With V5.3 AG+ CF Software

3.Odometer Correction Tool
Original DSPIII+ DSP3+ Odometer Correction Tool Mileage Adjustment Full Package Include All Software and Hardware
DSP3+ Odometer TOOL full package (include all software and hardware)Free 2021 update with DSP3+ Full version!Adjusting kilometers with DSP3+Popular milage programmer Advanced device programmer Conversion from Miles to Kilometers Motorola device programmer EEPROM device programmer The most advanced odometer adjustment tool for professionals The most complete version to cover odometer mileage adjustment, airbag reset, some immobilizer programming and radio decoding. programming and radio decoding.

DSP III Full Package content:

– PDA main unit, with full software authorization
5.14PINOUT * 2
6.8PINOUT * 2
9.TOUCH HOLDER * 4(T-01,T-02,T-03,T-04)
10.BMW CAS CONNECTOR * 2(C-02,C-03)
12.908 SOCKETS * 2
13.711 SOCKETS * 8
14.705 SOCKET
1.EEPROM Adapter
2.MOTOROLA Adapter
3.HCS12 IN-CIRCUIT Adapter
4.EWS Adapter
5.TMS374 Adapter
6.NEC Adapter
7.TMS Adapter
8.ST624X Adapter
9.NDM457 Adapter
10.HC08 Adapter
11.HC(7)11 Adapter
12.705 Adapter
13.CMM Adapter
14.OBD Adapter
15.JC Adapter
16.M35080 Adapter
17.D80/160 Adapter
18.MULTIPLEX Adapter
19.DENSO Adapter(T-05,T-06)