Cummins Insite Regen with Inline 7 Cummins Insite Diagnostics

Cummins Insite Regen with Inline 7 Cummins Insite Diagnostics

Now we’re going to do a forced region on Wes’s truck we did an EGR tune-up already it was pretty bad and uh we’re just now getting to where we’re connecting with Insight I got Insight uh loaded up here and uh we’re gonna go ahead and uh disconnect here and I’ll reconnect and show you how what’s going on here okay I chose my inline 5 USB I’m connected to the truck with the adapter got a little lights blinking I’m going to connect to a zcm and he’s got a bunch of fall codes from when he had problems before his EGR tune-up and everything we haven’t cleared those and uh he says he doesn’t want them cleared for now so we’ll leave them alone but I’ll uh I’ll show some of those typical fault codes

How to do a force Regen um one thing I like to do though is uh if you go to the diagnostic test and you go to after treatment diesel filter regeneration which I think is the first option on this software you hit next uh you see some stuff here uh and I don’t know if you know people watching this might be already familiar with doing a forced regen might want to know this if they don’t but um if you’re not familiar with it I’ll describe this briefly um you’ve got an after treatment injector status well when you do a forced region you start this thing the engine has to be warmed up obviously all the way the you know the engine has to be running and idling uh make sure you’re not parked under a tree make sure it’s able to regen you know you’re not going to catch something on fire you know with the exhaust stack gets real hot or near some weeds or bushes or anything you know and uh you know just read all the warnings and cautions before you actually do this but I want to touch on some things here.

when you do a regen on the uh ISX 871 with this software take note of the time that you started the region uh because what’s going to happen it’s going to take 40 minutes and the first 10 minutes it’s going to load up the engine it’s going to put the engine under a load it’s going to spool up the turbo it’s going to do a bunch of things it’s going to try to get the uh the doc Inlet temperature up around 580 600 Degrees does this based on uh preset programming I don’t think it does it based on sensors it just sort of runs through a preset Cycles so it’s going to take 10 minutes to do that and then once that 10 minutes is up you’ll see this after treatment injector start to fire this value will go from off to on and then it’ll it’ll go on then it’ll shut off then it’ll go on it’ll shut off then it’ll come on and stay on well after that first 10 minutes and that thing comes on what you really want to watch for is this filter uh DPF filter intake temperature it should be sitting somewhere around 580 600 ish you know roughly in that area along with the doc Inlet and the DPF Outlet temperature should be close to that well when that thing kicks on if your doser injector is good you’ve got a new one on there you know we didn’t replace his we cleaned it but it was fairly new his was so I didn’t justify uh replacing it because it still looked fairly new and it wasn’t really clogged up that much somebody had done some work on it or something so we we cleaned it so we’re going to find out if it’s any good or not uh it should only take two or three or four maximum about four or five minutes for this thing to reach you know 980 990 a thousand degrees 1100 degrees .


if it takes longer than three or four minutes five at the most uh either you’ve got an exhaust leak and your exhaust flex pipe or you’ve got something wrong with your turbo or there’s still something wrong with the motor if it takes like 10 minutes to get up to temperature you’ve got some serious problems uh this thing is not gonna regen on its own very well going down the road so that’s one indicator how healthy the regen system is on this is how fast this temperature will climb from you know 580 600 up to a thousand after this kicks on so you know you got 10 minutes this thing kicks on and then two or three minutes after that you know 12 13 14 minutes into it this thing should be reaching 900 000 degrees and then slowly this one will climb that’s the outlet temperature you know the final exhaust temperature coming out of the stack that one will slowly climb as it cleans the DPF out and the fuel Burns through it the Catalyst intake temperature should stay around 580 600 the whole time uh and it should not climb if you see this one climb instead of this one either you have a face plug DLC which is actually face plugging not to cry

if you actually see this one climb instead of this one well the fuel is igniting on the front of the DLC it shouldn’t do that and so uh that’s an indicator that you got something serious wrong uh or and I’ve seen a few of these uh trucks I don’t know why or how it happens but this temperature sensor and that temperature sensor down there on the DPF uh and Doc itself sometimes the the connectors get swapped uh and you gotta you know so if you see this one go up instead of that one this one’s sitting at 600 the whole time this one starts going up to 900 000.

either those connectors are swapped or you got some serious problems so you know keep an eye out for that this one is the only one that should go to a thousand first and then this one will slowly climb afterwards that’s the outlet and then this one should stay relatively low you know five six hundred degrees uh but you know that’s all great information and that’s wonderful stuff to watch while you’re doing this 40-minute region but it’s really doesn’t tell you a whole lot of other things it’s pretty much it this status window down here pretty much just flashes and stays blank it doesn’t really tell you much everything down here is pretty useless during the process everything up here is just instructions it’s great to see before you do the process you know and watch it you know and read through it once but uh you know while you’re doing this you can actually do other things and a lot of mechanics I don’t know if they don’t know this or not or if they just don’t bother and a lot of drivers that have the Insight software may not know this I’m going to show you a couple of Tricks uh to actually get some more information out of this process to kind of give you uh an idea what actually might be going on during your during your region so I’m going to close this window for now and I’m going to show you how to set this up so you can actually monitor more than just those parameters it’s kind of cool.