How to install VCDS 19.6.1 Portuguese Version for VAG COM Cable?

Compared with VCDS 19.6 English Version, VCDS 19.6.1 Portuguese Version is different, the whole installation for English version is less than 1 minute, but Portuguese Version need more than 30 minutes, on some computers maybe need more.

There are less options for the VCDS 19.6.1 Portuguese Version during the installation.
How to install VCDS 19.6.1 Portuguese Version for VAG COM Cable?

there are only three options for VCDS 19.6.1 Portuguese Version.
How to install VCDS 19.6.1 Portuguese Version for VAG COM Cable?

But VCDS 19.6.2 English version has six options.

If it’s not the vcds English version, after the complete the VCDS software instlalation and VCDS loader activation, the vcds loader can not automatic get the correct path of vcds software, you need drag the vcds.exe to the vcds loader software interface, then you can use the software correctly.

Other languages of VCDS software should be the same.

More information about the installation of VCDS software, just follow this link:

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