NEXIQ 125032 USB link can be also connected to the application PC

Cnautotool Nexiq USB Link can be also connected to the application PC by using the supplied USB cable. Windows detects the NEXIQ USB link through Plug and Play, and automatically installs the drivers copied when you installed the diagnostic application. Then NEXIQ completes setup and the diagnostic interface software is ready for use by the diagnostic application.

The Nexiq USB Link 2 is much improved design, and we are sure that it will sell very well for a long time given its history and distribution network. We are constantly lurking in message boards and forums, and there have been reports of it not working with various equipment, but these are usually unfounded. We have yet to run across an application that would NOT work with the USB Link 2. If you do have one, please leave a comment below and let us know!

Once some aftermarket cables are available for this communication adapter, it will make the pain much easier for people to switch. If you are upgrading from the original the new model, you will have to install the new drivers, along with Nexiq 125032 all your software programs to work with it.

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